Code Enforcement?
It's no surprise in this story from today's Bee that Sac County Code Enforcement is spotty & underfunded. But the article doesn't mention it is also highly politicized. Being on the "worst offenders list" is meaningless. The apartment in the horror story cited below is in the vicinity of an embattled part of Arden Arcade. Does anyone think this kind of code violation would be allowed to fester in a better-connected part of the community? It's crystal clear where the non-coddled parts of the UnCity sit on the County's priority list.
Quoting from the Bee's story: "The Balmoral Arms Apartments in Arden Arcade are also on the county’s worst offenders list, Chamberlain said. In the database analyzed by The Bee, the complex had more complaints –20 – than any other property. While all of the cases have been closed, some had taken two or three months to finish.
Chamberlain said he did not know what held up the cases there. A woman who identified herself as the property manager referred questions to a district manager; a message left for the district manager was not returned.
Balmoral Arms has a file of complaints at the county that is 6 inches thick. One resident complained this summer that the complex had a bedbug infestation. The resident reported that complex owners said they had to cancel extermination efforts three times because they could not pay for the work."