Community Meetings 2019 and prior
In June of 2019 the City of Sacramento began the process of updating its General Plan by holding a meeting at the Arcade Library to ascertain citizen input from its Campus Commons and Swanston Estates (AKA "Arden Arcade") neighborhoods. About 100 people showed up, none of whom lived in the targeted areas. In fact, only two residents of the City of Sacramento (from Midtown) attended and they were both employed in unincorporated Arden Arcade. Everyone else was from unincorporated Arden Arcade. They had come out of fear that their community might be annexed by the City of Sacramento, a concern shared by both proponents and opponents of Arden Arcade cityhood. Representatives from the Country Club Alliance of Neighborhoods and the Advocates for Arden Arcade, also at the meeting, asked if local residents wanted their own meetings to clarify what annexation was and to contrast it with incorporation. Three subsequent meetings were held in 2019 as documented herein.

The Advocates for Arden Arcade have also hosted meeting for the community featuring guest speakers. In 2017, Katherine Borges of the Salida Chamber of Commerce spoke about her community's struggles with Stanislaus County. In 2016 Mayor Jeannie Bruins of Citrus Heights reflected on Citrus Heights' incorporation efforts. Municipal finance expert Michael Coleman and Castro Valley Matters President Michael Kusiak were guest speakers at other meetings in 2016. A meeting in 2015 hosted a panel of speakers who had been involved with the Arden Arcade incorporation effort that went to the ballot in 2010.