New housing in City of Sacramento's Land Park
Yet another chapter of how they do it elsewhere: Today's Sacramento Bee article addressed the construction of "market rate" houses (which cost more than the ones we live in but don't have yards like we do) in Sacramento's Land Park neighborhood. There the City of Sacramento's Downtown Housing Initiative--6,000 market-rate units, 2,500 workforce-rate units and 1,500 subsidized units--is resulting in displacement of residents of "aging" low-income housing projects. Where will those residents live? Here, perhaps, since we have an abundance of cheap apartments and the County says we should have more? The new ones at "The Mill at Broadway" are among the projects intended to appeal to home buyers seeking hip, trendy neighborhoods. Unlike here where Sacramento County insisted--and the Judge agreed--that environmental analysis was unnecessary, at The Mill, "like all new major projects these housing projects would still be required to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act and conduct environmental impact reports." That sets those new housing units apart from our new ones. That and some other stuff like elevators, a park, money for schools, upscaling the property values, "great food" restaurants, a revitalized mixed-income community, etc. Oh, and the leadership and governance structure are different there, too.