Pedestrian Safety on Bell
The pedestrian crossing on Bell between Santa Anita Park and Howe Park has been a concern to area residents. It is the County's responsibility, as Bell is a public street. Despite considerable pleading for solutions, the County has not done anything about the problem yet. But that is about to change. The County Department of Transportation has told the Fulton-El Camino Recreation and Park District to expect construction of speed tables on Bell as early as the 2nd week of June, 2016. A drawing of the proposed project is shown below. The project does not include flashing pedestrian crossing signs (helpful during low-light conditions), push-to-activate stop lights, or stop signs. According to the County Transportation Department, some drivers do not slow down for speed tables and the other solutions are expensive and would require actual traffic enforcement by the CHP (the County's traffic law enforcement contractor). Still, the speed tables will clearly help reduce the risks for pedestrians and cyclists as they attempt to cross the street.