Neighborhoods matter in the City of Citrus Heights
The Citrus Heights Sentinel published an article about how the City of Citrus Heights values, works with, AND FUNDS neighborhoods. There are 11 neighborhood areas in the City of Citrus Heights. Anyone residing, working or owning property within an areas' boundaries is able to be involved. The City provides staff for monthly neighborhood meetings and seeks neighborhood input about projects to improve each neighborhood. According to Mayor Jeanie Bruins, neighborhood associations, "...provide a forum for people in the neighborhood to come together to have a voice as a neighborhood group, because we as council members can't reach everybody." This kind of program is possible in cities because every elected official in the city represents the city and wants to provide the city with the kind of municipal services each neighborhood wants. For more information, look at the City's Neighborhood Associations web page. This is very cool -- actually reaching out to, and listening to, neighborhoods. What a concept!