Sacramento County Respects Property Values (No...really...they do. Just not here.)
Over on Hazel Avenue Sacramento County is engaged in a multi-year construction project to improve the roadway's vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian mobility and make it look nice. Currently in Phase 2 of the project, Sacramento County has built some significant sound walls. These are the real deal: concrete masonry unit block walls that actually protect adjacent properties from noise. Not the fake kind like you find along the boundary between Quick Quack car wash and Arden Manor residences. Or that the County seems content to let the developer of Arden Creek Town Center (at Arden and Watt) put up along the property lines with Arden Oaks residences. As the photos below show, the new Hazel walls are big, thick and tall, as befitting a noise-generating project close to people's houses. The County clearly has spent public money -- significant public money -- building those good-looking sound walls. Why? Well, maybe it is because the County actually respects the property values of the adjacent homes there. And that just makes one wonder howcum the County is willing to let private projects that ask for permission to build noise-generating projects next to homes in Arden Arcade use cheap-o walls that, as the Quick Quack project has shown, drive neighbors crazy. Is there a good reason why property values of residences in one part of the UnCity (along Hazel) are respected, while in another part of the UnCity (called Arden Arcade) they are not?