Our Law "Enforcement" Problem
Law enforcement in Arden Arcade leaves a lot to be desired. No, that’s not a critique of the hard-working Sheriff’s Deputies who put their lives on the line for us every day. Nor is it a statement about the current Sheriff’s behavior, whether you like him or not. Instead, it’s a statement about how little law enforcement we seem to have here. We already know that traffic laws aren’t really enforced, just kind of deferred to the CHP for whenever they might feel like it. We already know that enforcement of alcohol sales rules for the never-ending approval of to-go alcohol licenses depends on ordinary citizens. And we know the Sheriff’s people, since they are spread so thinly across a large area, are constantly begging us at their bi-monthly community meetings to do their work for them — to be their eyes and ears, to populate their data base after crimes have been committed, and to report everything suspicious to the Sheriff’s POP office email address. That’s not how law enforcement is supposed to work in a dense urban area, but it seems to be how it works here in our part of the UnCity, where there is never, ever enough money to provide for adequate public safety patrols (which is odd given that our community generates the money). But it is pointless to complain because our unethical Supervisor can get away with not listening since Arden Arcade represents less than one-third of our Supervisor’s constituents. The situation is so grim that some local neighborhoods with high-value houses pony up donations from residents to pay for off-duty Sheriffs to patrol their areas. That tells you something, doesn’t it?