Political Diversity in Arden Arcade
Arden Arcade is not a homogeneous community. We have some of the region’s most expensive houses and cheapest apartments. Our economy spans from a Michelin 4-star restaurant and luxury car dealers to $1 menu fast food joints and low-end used car lots. There isn’t enough space in this blog to list the number of languages and dialects spoken around our kitchen tables. So it’s not really a surprise that there might also be political differences among our three zip codes. Because this blog is a local-oriented blog, not a national-oriented blog (as if more of that was needed, right?), please do not consider this post as an indicating interest in candidates for national office. Still it was interesting to see the data reported by Cal Matters as to our community’s diversity in donations to Presidential candidates. The Cal Matters data are based on a restricted sample of campaign donations (over $200/year) reported to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC). And we are still 8 months out from the 2020 primary election and 15 months away from the general election. In other words, the FEC figures will no doubt change as time goes by. For what it is worth, though, take a look at the chart - interesting, isn’t it?