Forum on our Future - December 2nd
Everyone is invited to another community meeting, to be held on December 2nd at Howe Park from 7:00-8:30pm. The doors will open at 6:30. The meeting was requested by people who came to the Forum on October 7th. As before, the meeting will be co-hosted by the Advocates for Arden Arcade, the Country Club Alliance of Neighborhoods, and the Greater Arden Chamber of Commerce.
At the October meeting we discussed issues of concern across our various neighborhoods - our problems. The topic this time is “The Vision Thing”. Let’s get past our current problems and talk about wishes and dreams. What kind of community would you like to have - what would make you want to live here, raise a family here, work or have a business here, or come here to shop, dine out or just have fun? The meeting will start with a panel of speakers that can help us think about the possibilities. We will have presentations from:
- David Mogavero of Mogavero Architects - on building livable communities through award-winning architecture, planning and urban design
- Megan Huber, Economic Development Manager for Citrus Heights - on Initiatives and Strategies designed to strengthen local businesses, expand the economy, and improve overall quality of life,
- Michael Caplan of Lyon Real Estate - on envisioning improvements across our community, beginning at the neighborhood level.
Then it will be time for your ideas. Please come join the conversation and share your thoughts and your vision for the future of our community. What direction(s) should we go and what will it take for us to get there? Let’s dream big!
If you are interested in background reading before the meeting, our blog has some helpful pages over at the “What to Know” link at the upper left of our home page. Click on that and then click on “Lessons from Elsewhere” in the pull-down menu. There you will find our series on “the land use mess”, where we discussed housing, retail businesses and mixed use. You will also see blog entries about examples set by other communities.