Let's All Celebrate "That's Cheap!"?
The Business Journal has reported that Country Club Plaza will finally be getting a tenant for the empty former Bed, Bath and Beyond store there. “That’s Cheap!”, a store The Business Journal say sells “deeply discounted furniture and home goods” will be the new tenant. The store is connected with “Falling Prices” (we have one of those on Arden). The Country Club Plaza site will be the second one in the region - the other one is in Orangevale. On the one hand, it will no doubt help the owners of the struggling mall to have a new tenant and we certainly wish them well. On the other hand, does it really bring joy to our community to have a store called “That’s Cheap!” smack in the middle of the mall and visible from Watt? Is this the best the crack team of experts at County Economic Development can do for us?
We’ve all heard the slurs before. “Arcade - sounds like a shooting gallery”. “Used to be nice, but now it’s ghetto.” Popeye’s Chicken’s tasty chicken sandwiches are in great demand, but why is their drive-thru the centerpiece of one of our most important intersections? And now we’ll be blessed with a big sign that says ”That’s Cheap!” identifying our once-significant mall? At least it fits in with our Dollar General and 99 Cent stores, our thrift stores and Goodwill drop-offs, our check cashing places and our payday loan usury businesses. Yay, Arden Arcade! We’re Cheapsters!
If you think our community is best suited as one big yard sale - as deep-discount-land - fine. Enjoy yourself. Still, this is what happens when the community is guided by lack of vision. We spiral down. Some people are good with that. But not everyone is. If you think our future should be brighter, please come to the community meeting at Howe Park on the evening of December 2nd, hear about some alternatives and share your thoughts with other community residents.