To upgrade a community, become a city
Once upon a time, a stretch of Auburn Blvd. in what is now the City of Citrus Heights was ground zero for strip clubs. This post is not a rant about strip clubs - they are legal businesses and some customers like them. But not everyone wants them in their neighborhood. Before the City incorporated, Sacramento County had let these kinds of sex businesses concentrate along Auburn Blvd. And, you might expect, the County had failed to follow through with stipulations they had imposed on the businesses they permitted. A recent story in the Citrus Heights Sentinel tells of how the City of Citrus Heights was able to reverse the situation. Cities, you see, can be problem solvers. And Citrus Heights was highly motivated to solve this one.
Bruins said the city offered to pay the owner for lost revenue in exchange for signing a contract to leave the city and never come back. “That’s exactly what happened,” according to Bruins.Citrus Heights Sentinel, citing Citrus Heights' founder Jeannie Bruins in their article of 12/27/2020, "Proposed future church site in Citrus Heights has not-so-holy past"
Are you, like us, tired of the dumb land use decisions imposed on Arden Arcade by the County? The expedient decisions they make either without community consultatation or in the face of community opposition? The ones that have been driving Arden Arcade down? Well, there are two ways to change that: 1) the County abandons its 7+ decades practice of poor land use decisions or 2) Arden Arcade gains local control by becoming a city. In our view, option #1 will never happen. We see option #2 as possible, though not easy. What's your opinion?