Elk Grove - where cityhood results in mixed use
We have written plenty of times about Sacramento County's lack of vision for our community and its failure to understand that commercial real estate has evolved from the 1960s. Not that long ago, Elk Grove was just like Arden Arcade. an unincorporated hot mess of a playground for developers seeking short-term profits and enabled by a Board of Supervisors that didn't realy care. In the intervening years since it became a city, Elk Grove has been on a mission to fix the problems caused by the County's years of inattentiveness. Elk Grove is now seeking yet another success story with its approach to a 20-acre site on Elk Grove Blvd. west of the Auto Mall. According to the Business Journal, it's a mixed use project that blends residential uses with commercial retail uses, offices and a hotel. Would our Beloved Supervisors dare to try something like that here? It's required according to the Housing Element of the County General Plan. No, they wouldn't. These days they're just into competing fast food chicken sandwich places and unnecesssary extra supermarkets - because that's what some dudes said they wanted.