Round of applause for Supervisor Rich Desmond!
You could have knocked us over with a feather today when we saw Supervisor Rich Desmond's facebook post about the highway information signs he got Caltrans to put up on Business 80 identifying Arden Arcade. Yes, it's taken a long time for us to move towards equality with, say, Carmichael, Orangevale and Carrington College - all of which have benefitted from highway information signs. It's also nice that Supervisor Desmond recognizes the job isn't done yet, because the signs Caltrans put on Business 80 recently are just some of the freeway entrances to our community. Hip, hip, hooray and thank you, Supervisor Desmond!
The only down side for us is now we have to buy champagne for the elves in our newsroom....
The community of Arden Arcade is a vibrant and important place with nearly 100,000 residents and it deserves to be recognized as so. In order to promote this wonderful community and drive travelers to come visit, I worked with our Sacramento County Department of Transportation and Caltrans to install 4 signs on Business-80 to guide traffic to the Arden Arcade community. I am happy to say that as of today, 3 of the 4 signs have been installed. I will continue to seek out opportunities on freeways and local roadways to create a sense of place in Arden Arcade and show people the way there. This is an important step in the right direction as we move to help recognize and establish the importance of our unincorporated communities.County Supervisor Rich Desmond, Facebook post of Aug. 17, 2022.